As aware soccer parents, we've all heard about quality family time, but what about time with extended family? Does time with extended family members have any specific benefits for your child? Here's an article on how kids benefit from time with extended family.
Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and older cousins all seem to love spending time with their younger relatives and the children benefit in many ways from getting together with extended family members.
According to the benefits of family time include the following:
Without the stress of direct parenting duties, there's room for exploration and increase in self-esteem and confidence. Gains in confidence and self-esteem are two of the benefits that kids get with soccer too. Time that kids spend with mentor, coaches, and teachers has proven to be very valuable to a child's development.
Children who spend time participating in activities-like kicking the soccer ball around-with grandparents develop a positive sense of self worth. When kids feel valued by their extended family, as well as their immediate family, they feel better about themselves.
You don't have to take elaborate trips or go to expensive venues. Just being together is the most important thing. Just kicking a few balls into a soccer net or playing a game of soccer ball keep away works fine.
Who we become as adults is shaped when we are kids. When we come from a nurturing, caring family and extended family it gives us a sense of belonging. That sense of belonging can stay with you through your entire life. That increased sense of belonging leads to happiness in childhood and carries over to adult like too.
Here's the full article on spending time with extended family at
Interestingly, the sense of belonging can also be built with the displaying of photos on the wall. Kids feel loved when their parents proudly display portraits. Those portraits don't have to be formal. They could be action photos of them playing soccer. Here's a helpful post on how to take some great soccer photos of your child during the game.
Soccer coach Bruce Lovelace started playing soccer in 1974 when, as a young boy, he constructed his own makeshift soccer goal. He played in high school, then in college and beyond. He started to coach his own children in the 1990s and then ran a Soccer Shots franchise for 12 years. Now, Coach Bruce publishes the website. Find out more about youth soccer coach Bruce Lovelace and what inspires this website. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to