PUBLISHED ON: November 5, 2023
Welcome soccer parents and coaches!
You've reluctantly volunteered to help, but where should you start. Whether you're a newbie soccer coach or taking on the job of a soccer team parent, you need some guidance.
The Soccer-For-Kids website gives you the tips and advice you need as a new soccer parent or coach.
Let's face it. Kids are only a small part of our population, but they are 100% of our future. We want to do things the right way for our children. If you're a Newby soccer mom or day here are a few quick tips on good soccer parenting.
It takes a lot of time to learn all there is to know about the game of soccer. With your support, you and your child will be able to enjoy the game at a higher level. Have patience and be supportive at the same time.
Focus on fun, not on winning. Let's face it. We all want our child to win, but soccer is a GAME and games are supposed to be fun. Don't put pressure on your child to win. In stead, focus on the fun of making progress learning new skills and playing in the games and practice.
During games allow the coach to give instructions. When parents starting yelling instructions from the sidelines, young soccer players get confused. It's a fast-paced activity and kids get distracted and nervous too when they get more than one set of instructions.
Referees are not perfect. They try their best, but will make calls that you may disagree with. Remember they don't care who wins. Youth soccer often involves new, inexperienced refs who are learning a new side of the game, too. Set a good example to your children by not berating them.
Make it a point to practice with your child in the backyard. Try some fun imaginative games that are different from the skills and drills that are implemented at team practices. Make it an activity for the whole family. This makes for great family bonding.
Learn the rules of youth soccer yourself before you talk about them with your child.
The title "Soccer For Kids" and the mission statement says it all.
We want to not only help your child learn to play the world's number one game, but also impact him or her with all of the other benefits that come along with participating in a soccer program.
The number of kids who participate in youth soccer is staggering (about 4,000,000) and for many reasons.
It's critical to get the kids involved in the right kind of soccer program, one that teaches more than just the skills of dribbling, passing, and shooting. The life skills that are learned in soccer impact your child in so many other positive ways. Here's more on inspiration that prompted the evolution of this website.
Knowing where to begin is often the toughest part when you're staring a new activity and coaching or parenting young soccer players is no different. Here are 3 ways to get the help you want
Many of the beliefs I have about being a soccer parent and soccer coach came from coaching my own 3 kids throughout their youth soccer experiences combined with the philosophies adopted by the Soccer Shots franchise
It was Frederick Douglas who said: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”
I believe soccer for children should be an enjoyable experience. It must be fun
Having fun games for children that use soccer as the teaching tool will foster an affection to the World's number one sport. Here's a graphic on the top reasons why kids quit playing sports.
You can see in this graphic that the number one reason for a child quitting a sport is because he or she wasn't having fun. The date gathered for this illustration was from older kids.
I'd guess, since the kids who participate in Soccer Shots are not worried about grades and don't get injured, that the numbers would be significantly higher if you polled kids who are between 2 and 8 years old.
Parents have a huge part to play in whether a child likes participating in a sport.
Positive encouragement for their child's efforts, not criticism for less than stellar results, is the best thing a parent can do for their child.
We use the terms soccer for kids, soccer for children, and fun games for children when we write about our soccer program because that's what we are all about. Being a kid is all about having fun. According to Wikipedia a "game is a structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool." Sometimes parents and coaches forget that.
I hope the articles here for new soccer parents and coaches are valuable. Keep it fun!
Soccer coach Bruce Lovelace started playing soccer in 1974 when, as a young boy, he constructed his own makeshift soccer goal. He played in high school, then in college and beyond. He started to coach his own children in the 1990s and then ran a Soccer Shots franchise for 12 years. Now, Coach Bruce publishes the soccer-for-kids.com website. Find out more about youth soccer coach Bruce Lovelace and what inspires this website.
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